Wednesday 7 September 2016

How to integrate AEM and Analytics using DTM?

  1. We need to have login credentials for DTM website.
  2. We need to have admin rights.
  3. We need sc3.omniture site credentials. This is usually provided by Adobe team.
  4. From Omniture console we need to generate the AppMeasurement.js file.
  5. From AppMeasurement.js file we need to get important details like:
    1. Tracking Server Name
    2. s_account name
    3. Visitor namespace

Connecting HTML files to DTM:

  1. Login to with admin credentials.
  2. Click on your Company dashboard.

  1. Click on Embed tab on top navigation.

  1. Enable Host on Akamai.

  1. Expand Header Code widget and copy the code.
  1. Paste that code in the <HEAD> tag of your HTML.

  1. Go back to DTM again. Expand Footer Code widget and copy the code.

  1. Paste that code to the <BODY> tag of your HTML.

Configuring DTM for Direct Call Rules:
  1. Go to Rules tab from top navigation.
  2. Click on Direct Call Rules from left navigation now.

  1. Click on create rule.

  1. Give it a name in the Name section.

  1. Expand Conditions widget.

  1. Select the Event type and provide the details for tag and tag sector property to uniquely identify the html elements and save the value.
  2. Click on save and approve the changes.

  1. Publish the changes.